Saturday, 8 February 2014

One life on this earth. Who are you living it for?

One life on this earth. Who are you living it for?

We have only one life on this planet. We're born, we live, and we die. And sometimes life on this earth can seem very short, compared to the eternal life that we will have in Heaven. It can seem a bit daunting that we really don't have much time at all with our lives on Earth.
Because of this, many people make bucket lists; that is, a list of things they want to do before they die. I don't have a particular bucket list, but one thing I want to do before it's time for me to leave this planet, is to see as much of it as possible. I have a desire and an itch to travel, and see so many different cultures and countries.
There are many other things people put on their bucket list. Some people want to do something crazy like skydive or bungee jump (I've done indoor skydiving, and I think that's as far as I would go!) Others have more personal things on their bucket list, like 'to get married' or 'to fall in love' or 'to have a family' (these would all definitely be on my list, if I had one.) There are so many different things you can put on your bucket list! Here are some other ideas for a bucket list:
Plant a tree and watch it grow
Write an autobiography
Swim with Sharks
What about having 'Seeing and helping as many people as possible find Jesus Christ?' On your bucket list?
God calls us in the bible to 'go and make disciples of men.' In Matthew 28:19 Jesus, after appearing again to the disciples, says to them "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." These words he spoke before he returned to heaven. Jesus has called us to tell people about him! This is our purpose on this earth. To preach the gospel and to help non-believers find Jesus and be saved. If we don't tell them about God, who will? Don't miss the opportunity that will change their life and save them.
When we tell people about the gospel and the good news of Jesus, we plant a seed in their heart. Now sometimes this seed immediately takes root and grows, sometimes it takes a while, sometimes it takes years, and sometimes it never sprouts. It is up to God as to what happens to this seed. But if you don't tell your friend/colleague/that shop assistant who asked you about your weekend, then that seed will never get planted!
Now, I know that it is a really, really hard thing to talk to people about God. Whether it is strangers or your really close friends, there is always the fear or rejection, mockery and getting your words wrong and so getting nowhere. I myself find talking to people about God extremely difficult. My passion and determination to talk to them is there, but I find, when I'm in those situations that my words slur up, my mind goes blank and I just don't know what to say! This is why we need to pray to God and read our bibles. We need to pray and ask God to give us opportunities in our schools, colleges and workplaces to talk to people, and to give us the words to say, as ultimately God will be speaking through us. And remember that whatever they say, you have planted that seed, so even if they reject or tease you, that seed is still there, and it is down to God whether it takes root or not. And one thing we must never forget is that God is always there, always with us. What a comfort it is, to read in Matthew 28:20, that Jesus says "...surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age"! God will always be with us when we speak to people. Trust him to give you the words to say.
So I urge you all, to get out there! Pray and look for opportunities to talk to people about God. And dont be afraid, because The Lord is always with you!

Godbless, LizzieJaneCx
(I had hoped to get this posted in January, but it took me a lot longer to write -- sorry! Hopefully I will get another post out before February is up.)

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